B-Rent noleggio auto, moto e furgoni




All necessary documents

A brief guide on the necessary documents for renting a vehicle short-term or long-term

Did you know that different documents are required depending on whether you have rented a car short-term or long-term? Discover all the necessary documents for your rental.


In order to pick up a vehicle, the holder of the rental agreement and any additional driver shall provide:

A valid driving licence (if you live in a Country where Roman script is not the standard writing system, you will need an international driving licence, or a certified translation released by your Country’s embassy)
Identity Card or passport.

Drivers in possession of a community driving licence (EU) expiring according to EU regulations (art. 7 par. 2 dir. 2006/126/CEE) can duly circulate up to the expiry date.

If the customer is a non-EU citizen in possession of a driving licence issued by a foreign state, driving is permitted in Italy up to one year from the residence acquisition, on condition that he/she has a sworn translation of the driving licence or an international driving permit. If these requirements are not fulfilled (i.e. driving with a foreign licence without a sworn translation/international permit) the Italian traffic law provides for a sanction for the transgressor (Art. 135, comma 8 CdS).

Thus, for non-EU driving licence holders:
- In order to rent a vehicle, the customer in possession of a non-EU driving licence must have an international driving permit or a sworn translation of the driving licence (issued by the related embassy or consulate), together with the standard driving licence. The international driving licence is valid up to the indicated expiry date.
If the above-mentioned requirements are not fulfilled the rental will be refused and the related booking cancelled.
- The driving licences of non-EU citizens residing in Italy for more than one year, are no longer valid even if the related international driving permit has not expired yet.

documents needed documenti necessari noleggio documents necessaires

Payment Systems

Even if you will be allowed to pay with any kind of card during the online booking procedure, at the pick-up time you must provide a credit card for the security deposit, unless you have selected a vehicle from the J, J Top or J Suv category. In this case you will need two credit cards, one of which must compulsorily be Gold or Platinum. We accept:

American Express

We do not accept prepaid, rechargeable or debit cards, as well as any card issued by non-banking financial institutions (e.g. Visa Electron, Pagobancomat, Maestro, Revolving, Viabuy, Comdirect and Supercard Plus). The holder of the credit card and the one of the Rental Agreement must be identified as the same person.

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Titolare del trattamento è B-RENT Srl con sede legale in Sant'Antimo, via P. Picasso, 108. B-RENT tratterà i dati forniti ai soli fini necessari all'erogazione del servizio "convenzioni" ("Servizio") come da richiesta specifica dell'interessato e con modalità prevalentemente informatiche. I predetti dati non saranno diffusi e potranno essere comunicati a terzi partner di B-RENT quali ad esempio altre società contrattualmente legate a B-RENT che svolgono attività di supporto all'erogazione del Servizio ai soli fini del corretto espletamento del Servizio e di quanto richiesto dall'utente. I dati verranno archiviati per il tempo necessario all'esecuzione delle finalità del trattamento. In ogni momento l'utente potrà esercitare i diritti che gli sono riconosciuti dalla normativa applicabile in materia di protezione dei dati personali contattando B-RENT ai recapiti indicati nell'Informativa sul trattamento dei dati personali.

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